

First survey about health to students of partner schools


This survey is about health issues and it is part of the international project European Olympics. Other young people like you from other countries (Portugal, Slovenia and Bulgaria) will also conduct this survey. The information you provide will help us to compare your general health status with that of other young Europeans, to develop better health programs in schools and to make you aware of the importance of incorporating healthy habits into your life.

Your name will not appear on this survey or on the answer sheet. The answers you provide will be kept secret. No one will know your answers. Answer the questions based on what you really know or do. There are not correct or incorrect answers.

Thank you very much for your help.

1 General information

1. How old are you?

A. 12 years old

D. 15 years old

B. 13 years old

E. 16 years old

C. 14 years old

F. 17 years or more.


2. What is your gender?

A. Male

B. Female

3. What course are you?

A. 1st of ESO

C. 3rd of ESO

B. 2nd of ESO

D. 4th of ESO

2. Use of alcohol

The next 6 questions concern the consumption of alcoholic beverages. This includes ingestion of wine and beer.

A „standard drink“ is a glass of wine (40 ml), a bottle or beer can (330 ml).

1. How old were you when you took your first drink of alcohol, more than a few sips?

A. I have never drunk alcohol other than a few sips.

C. 12 or 13 years old.

B. 10 or 11 years old.

D. 14 or 15 years old.

2. During the last 30 days, on how many days did you drink at least one drink that contained alcohol?

A. 0 days

D. 6 to 9 days

B. 1 or 2 days

E. 10 to 19 days

C. 3 to 5 days

F. 20 to 30 days

3. During the last 30 days, on the days you drank alcohol, how many drinks did you normally drink per day?

A. I did not drink alcohol for the past 30 days

D. 2 drinks

B. Less than a drink.

E. 3 drinks

C. 1 drink.

F. 4 drinks or more

4. During the last 30 days, how did you normally get the alcohol you took? SELECT ONE ANSWER ONLY.

A. I did not drink alcohol for the past 30 days

E. I got it in my house.

B. I bought it in a store, a market or on the street

F. I stole it

C. I gave money to someone else to buy it for me

G. I got it another way

D. I got it from my friends

Staggering when one walks, not being able to speak properly and vomiting are some signs of being drank.

5. During your life, how many times did you drink so much alcohol that you got drunk?

A. 0 times

C. 3 to 9 times

B. 1 or 2 times

D. 10 or more times

6. During your life, how many times have you had problems with your family or friends, missed school or gotten into fights as a result of drinking?

A. 0 times

C. 3 to 9 times

B. 1 or 2 times

D. 10 or more times

3. Food Intake

1. What is your height, without shoes?

A. 120-130 cm.

D. 150-160 cm.

G. More than 180 cm.

B. 130-140 cm.

E. 160-170 cm.

C. 140-150 cm.

F. 170-180 cm

2. How much do you weigh, without shoes?

A. 30- 40 kg.

D. 60- 70 kg.

G. Más de 90 kg.

B. 40- 50 kg.

E. 70- 80 kg.

C. 50- 60 kg.

F. 80- 90 kg.

3. During the past 30 days, how often have you been hungry for not wanting to increase your weight?

A. Never.

C. Sometimes

E. Always

B. Rarely

D. Almost always

4. During the last 30 days, how many times a day did you usually eat fruits?

A. I did not eat fruits in the last 30 days

D. 2 times a day

G. 5 or more times per day

B. Less than once a day

E. 3 times a day

C. 1 time a day

F. 4 times a day

5. During the last 30 days, how many times a day did you usually eat vegetables?

A. I did not eat vegetables or vegetables during the last 30 days

D. 2 times a day

G. 5 or more times a day

B. Less than once a day

E. 3 times a day

C. 1 time a day

F. 4 times a day

6. During the last 30 days, how many times a day did you drink sodas or drinks like Coca-Cola or Fanta.

A. I have not had soft drinks in the past 30 days

D. 2 times a day

G. 5 or more times per day

B. Less than once a day

E. 3 times a day

C. 1 time a day

F. 4 times a day

7. During the last 7 days, how many days did you eat at a fast food restaurant like McDonalds, Burger King or Telepizza?

A. 0 days

D. 3 days

G. 6 days

B. 1 day

E. 4 days

H. 7 days

C. 2 days

F. 5 days

4. Use of drugs

The next 4 questions are about drug use. This includes the use of marijuana, hashish, amphetamines, cocaine, or inhalers.

1. How old were you when you first took drugs?

A. I have never taken drugs

C. 12 or 13 years

E. 16 or 17 years

B. 10 or 11 years

D. 14 or 15 years

F. 18 years or more

2. During your life, how many times have you smoked marijuana or hashish?

A. 0 times

C. 3 to 9 times

E. 20 times or more

B. 1 or 2 times

D. 10 to 19 times

3. During your life, how many times have you taken amphetamines or methamphetamine?

A. 0 times

C. 3 to 9 times

E. 20 times or more

B. 1 or 2 times

D. 10 to 19 times

5. Hygiene

The next 4 questions are about cleaning your teeth and washing your hands.

1. During the last 30 days, how many times a day did you generally clean or brush your teeth?

A. I did not clean or brush my teeth in the last 30 days

C. 2 times a day

E. 4 or more times per day

B. Once a day

D. 3 times a day

2. During the past 30 days, how often did you wash your hands before eating?

A. Never.

C. Sometimes

E. Always

B. Rarely

D. Almost always

3. During the past 30 days, how often did you wash your hands after using the toilet?

A. Never.

C. Sometimes

E. Always

B. Rarely

D. Almost always

4. During the last 30 days, how often did you use soap when washing your hands?

A. Never.

C. Sometimes

E. Always

B. Rarely

D. Almost always

6 Mental health

The next 6 questions relate to your feelings and friendships.

1. During the past 12 months, how often have you felt alone?

A. Never.

C. Sometimes

E. Always

B. Rarely

D. Almost always

2. During the past 12 months, how often have you been so preoccupied with something that you could not sleep at night?

A. Never.

C. Sometimes

E. Always

B. Rarely

D. Almost always

3. During the past 12 months, have you ever considered that you have not understood your feelings?

A. Yes

B. No

4. Have you ever felt so upset that you thought was unbearable?

A. Yes

B. No

5. How would you define your relationship with your parents?

A. Bad

C. Good

F. Extraordinary

B. Not very good

E. Very Good

6. How would you define your relationship with your brothers and sisters?

A. Bad

C. Good

E. Extraordinary

B. Not too good

D. Very Good

F. I have no brothers or sisters.

7. How would you define your relationship with your friends?

A. Bad

C. Good

E. Extraordinary

B. Not too good

D. Very Good

F. I have no friends

7 Physical activity

The next 3 questions relate to your physical activity. Physical activity is any activity that accelerates the heartbeat and leaves you breathless sometimes. Physical activity is done in sports, playing with friends or walking to school. Some examples of physical activity are running, fast walking, cycling, dancing or playing soccer.

1. During the past 7 days, on how many days did you do a physical activity for a total of at least 60 minutes a day?

A. 0 days

D. 3 days

G. More than five days.

B. 1 day

E. 4 days

C. 2 days

F. 5 days

2. During the past 7 days, how many days did you go home from school or came back walking or cycling?

A. 0 days

D. 3 days

G. More than 5 days

B. 1 day

E. 4 days

C. 2 days

F. 5 days

3. In this academic year, how many days a week do you have a physical education class in the institute or do some physical activity guided in the afternoon?

A. 0 days

D. 3 days

G. More than 5 days

B. 1 day

E. 4 days

C. 2 days

F. 5 days

8 Smoking

The next 6 questions relate to the consumption of cigarettes.

1. How old were you when you tried a cigarette for the first time?

A. I have never tried cigarettes

C. 10 or 11 years

E. 14 or 15 years

B. 8 or 9 years

D. 12 or 13 years

F. 16 or 17 years

2. During the past 30 days, on how many days did you smoke cigarettes?

A. 0 days

D. 6 to 9 days

G. The 30 days

B. 1 or 2 days

E. 10 to 19 days

C. 3 to 5 days

F. 20 to 29 days

4. During the past 12 months, have you ever tried to quit smoking cigarettes?

A. I have never smoked cigarettes

B. I have not smoked cigarettes for the past 12 months

C. Yes

D. No

5. During the last 7 days, how many days have others smoked in your presence?

A. 0 days

C. 3 or 4 days

E. The 7 days

B. 1 or 2 days

D. 5 or 6 days

6. Do any of your parents smoke?

A. They do not smoke

C. My mother.

E. I do not know

B. My father.

D. Both

7. Has anyone told you about the dangers of getting into the habit of smoking?

A. Yes, my parents.

C. Yes, my teachers

B. Yes, my friends.

D. Nobody has told me about it.

8. How many of your close friends smoke?

A. None of my friends smoke

C. Two

E. More than three

B. One

D. Three